Chase UK - Round-up account

Make passive savings accessible to all


Effortlessly set aside money every day. Simply choose to round up your spending to the nearest £1 and Chase will boost your spare change by giving your round-up balance a 5% AER (4.89% gross) variable interest boost, paid monthly. 

The brief here covered the inception of the product (and some alternatives), and conjoint analysis of the propositions before completion of multiple rounds of qualitative research covering IA assessment, stack ranking, comprehension, and comparison testing to end up with a focussed and delightful customer experience. 

Released: August 2021

Retail price: £0.00

Materials: Pixels

Process: Quantitative conjoint analysis, qualitative IA stack ranking, comprehension, comparative testing, and usability research rounds. Stakeholder alignment and shareouts. 

Software / Tools:  Balsamiq and paper sketching, Keynote, React native animation code, Sketch, Figma,

Made for: Chase UK

Team: Alladin Elteria (Accessibility), Andrei Yusfin (Product), Aniello Del Sorbo (Dev), Barbara Somlai (Design), Danielle Battleson (Copy), Danny Skinner (Visual), Emma Pickering (Research), Kit Lam Yee (Dev), Malin Andersson (Design), Reece Reynolds (Dev), Sarah Crosskey (Research), Stiven Skyrah (Lead designer), Teo Druta (Dev), Youseff Abdallah (QA)

Dot-ingly detailed animation

The dots on the account are a visual metaphor for the small change of your transactions being rounded up into your balance. Aniello and I worked closely to create a custom react-native animation that creates randomized dots on every page load. It means that every time you go to the page the experience is uniquely yours. 


Focussed information architecture

We asked customers exactly what information mattered most to them (and in what order) and used that as the foundation for building the account. We stripped out any non-essential info and focussed on the balance, the interest rate, the ability to pause round-ups, and additional contextual insights. 

Keeping it interest-ing monthly

The round-up account pays a market-leading 5% AER interest and I wanted to design an experience that reinforced that. Every month customers get an optional push notification telling them what they earned. The perfect dopamine hit reinforces the positive attributes of saving regularly. 


Universally considered

All the colours and text on the account have been designed to be accessible, support text resizing and the design checks and specifications include screenreader tags. The colours are also checked for WCAG 2.1 accessibility contrast. As some people can also find movement distracting we honour the system setting and pause the animation if the customer's mobile device is set to have low motion. 

Open an account in seconds

One of the baseline principles of the designs of accounts at Chase is simplicity and ease of use. I worked hard and iteratively with the product and copy leads to minimise customer effort, optimise the opening flow and only capture essential information for account opening.  


Full pause-ability

The main control of round-ing up is the pause action. When you tap it the round-ups stop and in the app that's reflected by the animated dots fading away. I designed the motion to stop and fade when paused as a subtle but delightful passive informer. 


Perfect payouts

After a year of rounding up and getting 5% interest, the accounts balance is automatically moved to an account of your choice. You can change the account that will be paid at any time and we give you a little extra info in the runup to the payout happening. 

Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love) 
Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love)
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