O2 Go

An iPhone app for 16 to 18 year olds that offers O2 rewards for volunteering


O2 Go is an iOS application that re-imagines volunteering on a local scale. By speaking, user testing and iteratively designing with both volunteers and organisers, I was able to identify the desires and needs of stakeholders and deliver a proposal that made volunteering rewarding. The app encourages young people to start volunteering by tying in with the O2  rewards scheme and offering exclusive bonuses and offers when they take part. 

Released: September 2014 

Retail price: £0.00

Materials: Pixels

Process: Proposal mocked up in Axure RP Pro to go alongside annotated screen flows ready for iOS Swift Code

Software / Tools:  POP PrototypingAxure RP pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Made for: O2 Telefonica UK

Team: Elle Pendlebury, Harjeet Sehmbi, Charlotte Perkins, Kate Saunders, Stiven Skyrah

Superbly simple sign up

Because people joining are already O2 customers we were able to re-use the details that O2 kept on record for them. Sign up is as simple as downloading the app. Getting a text and checking your details match.


Nav Tabigation

As the app is designed for local events I focused specifically on those needs. The home screen has two tabs, the default "Events" and "Map" to make finding your next opportunity seamless quick and easy. 


Events, sorted

When discussing how they found things to volunteer for with students one of the most consistently inconsistent needs was discovery. While the basic need of most students was to have "something nearby" they also wanted to be able to sort and filter within the available options. I designed a sort and filter menu that let them do both. 

Streamlined volunteering

Organisers often faced of people not showing up. To tackle this the O2Go app requires the volunteer to confirm their attendance with the host. It also integrates with the the native iOS calendar and sends notifications and nudges in the days before and on the day of an event. 


Swipe to volunteer

Bringing a little more joy to the experience by using a floating swipe interaction for sign up.


Rewarding moments

Animated illustrations add little moments of delight when the user earns a O2 reward and cross pollinate users to the O2 Rewards app. 

Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love) 
Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love)
Designed for you  (with love)
Copyright ©Stivenskyrah all rights reserved. Contact me via threads, email or linkedin. receptive
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